Dogmatic Theology (3rd ed.)

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Article number: 9780875521886, k23
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Dogmatic Theology

Author: William G. T. Shedd

A classic from a leading Reformed theologian of the 1800s. The editor, Alan W. Gomes, translated all foreign-language words and quotations and wrote an introduction and glossary.

The first edition was published by Charles Scribner's Sons in two volumes in 1888; the second edition, in 1889. A third volume was added in 1894. All three volumes were reprinted by Zondervan in 1953 and by Thomas Nelson in 1980.

–––––––––– Table of Contents ––––––––––

  1. Theological Introduction
  2. Bibliology
  3. Theology
  4. Anthropology
  5. Christology
  6. Soteriology
  7. Eschatology
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