Following Jesus: The Essentials of Christian Discipleship
Article number: | 9781848718241, k13, sd39, SD17, SD18 |
Availability: | In stock |
Following Jesus
Author: Andrew Randall
Joy and fruitfulness in faith do not depend on flashes of genius but on getting the basics right most of the time.
Following Jesus focuses attention on the basics of Christian discipleship, and covers the following vitally important themes: faith, the Bible, the church, prayer, the Holy Spirit, holiness, growth in grace, guidance, loving others, parenting children, evangelism, work, stewardship, suffering, and perseverance.
The chapters have been written to help new followers of Jesus lay solid foundations for a healthy and rich Christian life. They also provide a refresher course in what it means to be a disciple for those who have been following Jesus for many years.
–––––––––– Table of Contents ––––––––––
- Following Jesus at His Call—The Essential of Faith--Mark 1:14-21
2. Following Jesus by the Book—The Essentials of the Bible—2nd Timothy 3:10—4:5
3. Following Jesus in Community—The Essentials of Church—Ephesians 2:11-22
4. Following Jesus in Conversation—The Essentials of Prayer—Philippians 4:6
5. Following Jesus by His Power—The Essentials of the Holy Spirit—John 16:1-15
6. Following Jesus in Everything—The Essentials of Holiness—1st Peter 1:13-25
7. Following Jesus More and More—The Essentials of Growth—Ephesians 4:11-24
8. Following Jesus in Our Choices—The Essentials of Guidance—1st Thessalonians
5:16-22 and Romans 12:1-3
9. Following Jesus in Our Love for Others—The Essentials of Relationships
1st Corinthians 6:9—7:5
10. Following Jesus Through the Generations—The Essentials of Parenting
Ephesians 6:1-4
11. Following Jesus in His World—The Essentials of Evangelism—1st Cor. 9:12-23
12. Following Jesus Every Day—The Essentials of Work—Ephesians 6:5-9
13. Following Jesus with All We Have—The Essentials of Stewardship—1st Tim. 6:6-19
14. Following Jesus When It Hurts—The Essentials of Suffering—1st Peter 1:3-12
15. Following Jesus Always—The Essentials of Perseverance—Romans 8:28-39 and
2nd Peter 1:1-15
APPENDIX 1—Marriage—What’s Faith Got to Do With It?
APPENDIX 2—Suffering—Where is God When It Hurts?
APPENDIX 3—Recommendations for further reading