Freedom and Power of Forgiveness

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Article number: 9781433511301, 9781433511301, m19, sd09
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Freedom and Power of Forgiveness

Author: John MacArthur

Few concepts are more basic to Christianity-or more important to a Christian's personal and spiritual well-being-than forgiveness. Yet in an age in which it has become fashionable to "forgive yourself" rather than to forgive others, can our modern ways of understanding guilt, blame, mercy, and justice be reconciled with Jesus' teaching?

Pastor John MacArthur begins The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness by examining the doctrine of the atonement, the basis for any teaching on forgiveness. He then answers some common questions about forgiveness, such as: Why are we supposed to seek God's forgiveness if he has already justified us? How should we handle repeat offenses against us? When is restitution appropriate? MacArthur then presents potent, relevant biblical principles of forgiveness.

–––––––––– Table of Contents ––––––––––

  1. The Ground Of All Forgiveness
  2. Christ’s Dying Prayer
  3. If We Confess Our Sins…
  4. Put That On My Account
  5. Just As God Has Forgiven You
  6. If Your Brother Sins
  7. The Blessings of Forgiveness
  8. Answering The Hard Questions About Forgiveness
  • Appendix One: How Are We to Understand the Atonement?
  • Appendix Two: What Is the Unforgivable Sin?
  • Appendix Three: Two Classic Sermons on Forgiveness
  • C.H. Spurgeon: Forgiveness Made Easy
  • Alexander MacLaren: The Forgiving Son of Man


“Our pastor-teacher, John MacArthur, has written a monumental work on the subject of forgiveness. He says, “Forgiveness, then, is the soil in which numerous spiritual fruits and divine blessings are cultivated. Tending and nurturing the soil of forgiveness is one of the surest ways to develop spiritual health and maturity.” As believers, called to live our lives to the glory of God, we must all strive to embody the principles that are taught in The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness.”
Stuart Scott,Associate Pastor, Discipleship Counseling

256 pp. Softcover.

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