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The Master's Plan for the Church

Author: John MacArthur

Christ never intended church leadership to be earned by seniority, purchased with money, or inherited through family ties. Instead, it is absolutely essential that the local church adhere unfalteringly to biblical shepherding principles, perceiving itself as an institution for the glory of God.

Drawing from some of his best-received material on church leadership, Dr. MacArthur guides the church with crucial, effective lessons in leadership. This book is valuable not only for pastors and elders, but for anyone else who wants the church to be what God requires of her.


John MacArthur is on the cutting edge of church leadership and church development. He not only knows this critical area biblically but pragmatically as well, since his own church models the principles in this book.
Dr. Tony Evans, pastor and author

The book The Master’s Plan for the Church is indeed a masterwork. Like other works by John MacArthur, it shows solid biblical scholarship and practical application.
Dr. Adrian Rogers, pastor, Bellview Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee

John MacArthur has done church leaders a great service. His new edition of The Master’s Plan for the Church is the thorough, biblically-based book we are used to finding when we read MacArthur. I commend it to church leaders everywhere.
Dr. Jerry Vines, pastor, First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida



PART 1: The Anatomy of a Church
1. The Skeletal Structure
2. The Internal Systems
3. The Muscles
4. The Head 

PART 2: The Dynamic Church 
5. The Pattern of the Early Church 
6. Elders, Deacons, and Other Church Members 
7. A Look at the Thessalonian Model 
8. Marks of an Effective Church 
9. The Calling of the Church 
10. The Lord’s Work in the Lord’s Way 
PART 3: Qualities of an Excellent Servant 
11. Understanding the Seducing Spirit 
12. Understanding the Duties of the Ministry 
13. Shepherding the Flock of God 
1. Answering the Key Questions about Elders 
What Is the Proper Understanding of the Term Elder? 
How Is the Term Elder Used in Reference to the Church? 
What Is the Relationship of the Elder to the Bishop and the Pastor? 
What Is the Role of an Elder? 
What Are the Qualifications of an Elder? 
Can Women Serve as Elders? 
How Are We to Ordain Elders? 
Should the Church Support Elders Financially?
Is the Pastorate a Team Effort? 
Does Government by Elders Eliminate the Role of a Special Leader? 
What Is the Elder’s Relationship to the Congregation?   
2. Answering the Key Questions about Deacons 
How Does the New Testament Use the Word Deacon? 
What Kind of Service Does the Greek Word for “Deacon” Imply? 
Does the New Testament Speak about the Office of a Deacon? 
Does the New Testament Specify Any Individual as a Deacon? 
Doesn’t Acts 6 Talk about Deacons? 
If the Men in Acts 6:5 Weren’t Deacons, Who Were They? 
Is There Any Scripture Passage That Refers to Deacons in the Official Sense? 
What Qualifies a Man to Be a Deacon? 
What Does the Bible Say about Deaconesses? 
What Is the Difference between Elders and Deacons? 
 3. Qualifications for Spiritual Leadership 
“Above Reproach”—He Is a Man of Unquestionable Character 
“The Husband of One Wife”—He Is Sexually Pure 
“Temperate”—He Is Not Given to Excess 
“Prudent”—He Is Self-Disciplined 
“Respectable”—He Is Well Organized 
“Hospitable”—He Loves Strangers 
“Able to Teach”—He Is Skilled in Teaching 
“Not Addicted to Wine”—He Is Not a Drinker 
“Not … Pugnacious”—He Is Not a Fighter
“Gentle”—He Easily Pardons Human Failure 
“Peaceable”—He Is Not Quarrelsome 
“Free from the Love of Money”—He Is Not Covetous 
“One Who Manages His Own Household Well”—He Maintains a Godly Family 
“Not a New Convert”—He Is a Mature Christian 
“A Good Reputation with Those Outside the Church”—He Is Well Respected by Non-Christians 
 4. Elements of Church Discipline 
The Place of Discipline 
The Purpose of Discipline 
The Person of Discipline 
The Provocation of Discipline 
The Process of Discipline 
The Power of Discipline   
5. Restoring a Sinning Brother or Sister 
Pick Up the Believer 
Hold Up the Believer 
Build Them Up   
6. Should Fallen Leaders Be Restored?   
7. The Danger of False Teaching 
Reminding True Leaders 
Avoiding False Teaching   
8. Why I Still Preach the Bible 
A Visit with Dr. Feinberg 
Trying to Be Relevant 
The Challenge and Call to Preach the Word 
Ten Reasons to Preach the Word of God   
9. Why Personal Integrity Is Crucial for the Church   
10. Why I Love the Church 
The Lord Himself Is Building the Church 
The Church Is the Outworking of an Eternal Plan 
The Church Is the Most Precious Reality on Earth 
The Church Is an Earthly Expression of Heaven 
 11. Why Doctrine Is Practical Building on the Truth 
Living by the Truth 
Departing from the Truth 
Hearing the Truth 
Scripture Index 
Subject Index
320 pp. Softcover.
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