Salvation by Grace: The Case for Effectual Calling and Regeneration

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Article number: 9781596386433, a04
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Salvation by Grace

Author: Matthew Barrett

Only monergistic grace (the Holy Spirit sovereignly uniting us to Christ) fully preserves the sovereignty, glory, and majesty of God in salvation. Michael Barrett examines and defends monergism’s rich heritage of biblical support.

–––––––––– Table of Contents ––––––––––

Introduction: The Contemporary Debate

  1. Monergism in the Calvinist Tradition
  2. Total Depravity and the Bondage of the Will
  3. The Scriptural Affirmation of Effectual Calling
  4. The Scriptural Affirmation of Monergistic Regeneration
  5. Arminian Synergism in Theological Perspective
  6. The Inadequacy of Arminian Synergism
  7. The Failure of Recent Attempts at a Middle Way



"Matthew Barrett's work on regeneration represents scholarship at its best. His book is exegetically convincing, theologically profound, with significant pastoral consequences. The topic has not been explored in depth in recent scholarship, and hence this book is also timely."Thomas R. Schreiner, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

352pp. Paperback.

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