Called to Preach: Fulfilling The High Calling of Expository Preaching (Hardcover)

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Article number: 9781540902467, A07, SD42, r41, r42, r43
Availability: In stock

Called to Preach

Author: Steven J. Lawson

In every generation, the church stands in dire need of God-called people to preach the Word with precision and power. Preachers who will not replace sound theology with culturally palatable soundbites. Preachers who will clearly and faithfully share the gospel and inspire those in their churches to live godly lives.

Through in-depth biblical analysis and inspiring examples from church history, Steven J. Lawson paints a picture of God's glory magnified through faithful preaching, reclaiming the high ground of biblical preaching for the next generation. With helpful advice and practical guidance gleaned from 50 years in ministry, Lawson helps aspiring preachers know if they are called to preach; understand the qualifications for ministry; and develop, improve, and deliver strong expository sermons that illuminate the Word of God in a dark world.

–––––––––– Table of Contents ––––––––––

  1. Divinely Summoned — Discerning the Call
  2. The Preacher’s Mandate — Proclaiming the Word
  3. Behold Your God — Exalting the Lord
  4. In the Study — Exploring the Text
  5. Preparing Your Exposition — Crafting the Sermon
  6. Stepping into the Pulpit — Delivering the Message
  7. Making It Personal — Connecting the Truth
  8. Improving as a Preacher — Elevating the Exposition
  9. In Pursuit of Holiness — Disciplining the Life

A Final Charge to Preachers; Upholding the Word

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