Evangelism: How to Share the Gospel Faithfully, MPL (Paperback)

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Article number: 9780310136699, m11, q07, p02, sd06
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Evangelism (Paperback)

Author: John MacArthur

Paul’s challenge to Timothy 2,000 years ago remains a clarion call for pastors today: “Do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Tim 4:5). 

Because evangelism is the central work of a Christian’s life, there is a great need for pastors to understand what evangelism is and what makes it effective. Much of modern evangelical culture has become memorized conversations, pre-packaged formulas, and programmatic approaches that serve as poor substitutes for the simple proclamation of the gospel. In Evangelism: How to Share the Gospel Faithfully, John MacArthur along with pastors, missionaries, and church planters from Grace Community Church give the summons to return to the basics.

Evangelism covers four primary topics

  • Theological presuppositions and biblical foundations of evangelism
  • Evangelism from a pastoral perspective
  • One-on-one witnessing
  • How outreach fits into and shapes the activities of the local church

You’ll learn theological principles of sharing the gospel and practical approaches to incorporating outreach into your life, including specialized areas, like

  • Sharing the gospel with children and youth
  • Witnessing to those with special needs
  • Working with people suffering from addiction
  • Immigrant outreach 
  • International missions

There is an urgent need for the gospel in today’s fallen world. This insightful guide to biblical evangelism will ignite your passion and equip you to spread the gospel faithfully from your pulpit, in your church, and within your community. 

–––––––––– Table of Contents ––––––––––

 Introduction: Rediscovering Biblical Evangelism

Section1: The Theology of Evangelism

  1. Theology of Sleep: Evangelism According to Jesus
  2. God’s Global Goal: The Power of the Great Commission
  3. The Common Case of Unbelief: A Biblical Perspective on Unbelievers
  4. The Word of Truth in a World of Error: The Fundamental of Practical Apologetics
  5. Christ, the Savior: Evangelism as a Person, Not a Plan
  6. Giving Up to Gain: All Things to All People
  7. Evangelism in the Hands of Sinners: Lessons from the Book of Acts

Section 2: Evangelism from the Pulpit

  1. Sunday Morning: Evangelism’s Role Within the Service
  2. Equipping the Saints: Training Believers to Win the Lost
  3. False Assurance: A Biblical Look at the Sinner’s Prayer

Section 3: Evangelism in Practice

  1. Jesus as Lord: Essential Components of the Gospel Message
  2. Starting the Conversation: A Practical Approach to Real-Life Evangelism
  3. The Call of Repentance: Delivering the Message to the Conscience

Section 4: Evangelism in the Church

  1. Acorns to Oaks: Farming the Field of Your Child’s Heart
  2. The Youth Pastor as Evangelist; The Church’s Most Fruitful Evangelism
  3. Compel Them to Come In: Witnessing to Those with Special Needs
  4. Reaching Addicts: Evangelizing Those with Addictions
  5. When the Nations Come to Us: A Mandate for Immigrant Outreach
  6. To the Least of the These: Ministry to the Social Outcast
  7. International Missions: The Selection, Sending, and Shepherding of Missionaries
  8. Short-Term Missions: Supporting Those We Sent
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