Christ and Calamity: Grace & Gratitude in the Darkest Valley (Hardcover)

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Christ and Calamity

Author: Harold L. Senkbeil

That's what the frightened disciples shouted to Jesus as he slept in the stern of a storm-tossed boat. In the midst of suffering and uncertainty, we're all prone to think that God has forgotten us, he doesn't care, or he's powerless to do anything.

And that's true of us in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In Christ and Calamity, Harold L. Senkbeil speaks pastorally to our suffering and uncertainty. Senkbeil shows God's constant and faithful grace to us. With Paul he encourages us: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thess 5:16–18).

Calamities come in many different sizes, and God addresses them all in his word and by his Spirit. Even when we don't see or feel it, God is always faithful.

“If I dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me” (Ps 139:9–10).

The disciples' faith in the midst of the storm may have been weak, but Jesus was mighty to save. And he will save you, too. No matter how small your faith, you can count on him to hear your anguished cry and to answer.

–––––––––– Table of Contents ––––––––––

Invitation to the Reader

Prayer in Time of Affliction

  1. Your Calamity
  2. When You Are Faithless, Christ Is Your Faithfulness
  3. When You Cry Out, Christ Is Your Advocate
  4. When You Are Afflicted, Christ Is Your Comfort
  5. When You Bear Your Cross, Christ Is Your King
  6. When You Are Weak, Christ Is Your Strength
  7. When You Are Sad, Christ Is Your Joy
  8. When You Are in Darkness, Christ Is Your Light
  9. When You Are Alone, Christ Is with You
  10. When You Are Dying, Christ Is Your Life
  11. Christ Is Your Victory

Invitation to Prayer

  • Prayer for Any Time
  • Prayer for Morning
  • Prayer for Evening

“Jesus, Priceless Treasure”

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